Servo Positioner
This part lets you position a servo just by flipping a toggle switch.
Two trim pots lets you set exactly where the servo will park in both of the switch positions.
No problem running a high voltage servo as this controller will take 10 volts.
Depending on what you need, order this part for selecting two or three servo positions.
The three position version comes with a three position toggle switch. The center position puts the servo in the center of its rotation - therefore there is no pot for the center position.
This controller can also be ordered with a servo speed control which lets you adjust how quickly the servo moves to the selected position.
You can see the version with the speed control working in this video:
I've had a few customers using this part for building their cosplay needs. Check out these two links:
The three versions of this part as as follows:
- Two position version is Part Number TGSP2
- Two position with speed control is Part Number TGSP2S
- Three position version is Part Number TGSP3